Omada Controller with caddy as reverse proxy

2023-07-04 · 318 words · 2 minute read

I switched from Mikrotiks wAP accesspoints to TP-Link Omada EAP650s a while ago (check out my blog post ). As explained in that post, I started self hosting Omada controller which is the management software for these APs.

But I never mangaged to get it working behind caddy , my webserver / reverse proxy.

So it ran as a docker container on my home server with exposed ports without HTTPS. In my home environment that’s not a big deal but it always felt wrong.

A few days ago I setup blocky as my DNS server, again check the blog post if you’re interested. So I setup as a local DNS entry and let caddy serve it via HTTPS using a wildcard certificate. I decided to not have this subdomain in my public entries because I don’t need to access it remotly. If I need to, I can do that via a Wireguard tunnel.

First the relevant part of my docker-compose.yml

    container_name: omada-controller
    image: mbentley/omada-controller:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - MANAGE_HTTP_PORT=8088
      - MANAGE_HTTPS_PORT=8043
      - PORTAL_HTTP_PORT=8088
      - PORTAL_HTTPS_PORT=8043
      - PORT_APP_DISCOVERY=27001
      - PORT_ADOPT_V1=29812
      - PORT_UPGRADE_V1=29813
      - PORT_MANAGER_V1=29811
      - PORT_MANAGER_V2=29814
      - PORT_DISCOVERY=29810
      - SHOW_SERVER_LOGS=true
      - SHOW_MONGODB_LOGS=false
      - PGID=508
      - PUID=508
      - 8043:8043
      - 29810:29810/udp
      - 29811:29811
      - 29812:29812
      - 29813:29813
      - 29814:29814
      - ./omada/data:/opt/tplink/EAPController/data
      - ./omada/logs:/opt/tplink/EAPController/logs

And this is what my Caddyfile looks like:

    admin off
    log {
        format console


*, {

  tls {
    dns hetzner {env.HETZNER_AUTH_API_TOKEN}
  @omada host
  handle @omada {
    reverse_proxy omada-controller:8043 {
      transport http {
      header_up Host {host}:8043
      header_down Location :8043 :443


Be aware that the dns hetzner part only works with a custom caddy build, explained here

I found this solution in the caddy forums , posted by user drglove

As I had a hard time finding this, I decided to write this blog post, hoping to help others getting this working.