
Bouni's blog

random bits and pieces

Sending and Receiving 9-bit Frames with Arduino

My MateDealer project was entirely written in C because the Arduino IDE or more detailed the HardwareSerial part lacks the 9-bit support. It is easy to send a 8 bit data frame, but nearly impossible to do that with 9 bit frames. I worked for a while on implementing 9-bit support for the Arduino IDE and recently i finished my work!

Get the SparkFun ProMicro working with inotool

I’ve recently bought a few SparkFun ProMicro 5V 16Mhz clones from Ebay because they are extremely cheap (7 Euro each) and habe native USB. The only problem i had is that i was not able to program them using inotool .

locale-gen fails on raspberry Pi

I’ve tried to generate the locales on my Raspberry Pi, but i ran into a problem that i was not able to solve for a few hours. root@rpi: ~$ locale-gen Generating locales... en_US.UTF-8.../usr/bin/locale-gen: line 41: 303 Killed localedef -i $input -c -f $charset -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias $locale locale gave me another error root@rpi: ~$ locale locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory LANG=en_US.

Good bye Arduino IDE

I’ve worked with the Java based Arduino IDE for a long time now, and always thought that i miss the comfort of vim. But for soom reason i never searched for an alternative, but yesterday i had enough of that shit piece of software! Ino 🔗So i googled a bit to find an alternative and stumbled upon ino . After a few test i must say that ino is exactly what i was looking for :-) Take a look at the quickstart to see how easy it is.

Leaflet and Leaflet.draw save and restore

I work on a project that has a form including a map, so a logged in user can enter his data and drawing features on the map and save it afterwards. The user gets a page that shows the map with the features on it. I will show how to save and restore the drawn data as geoJSON and how to save circles because that type of feature is not supported by geoJSON.

News on my MDB projects

Because i’ve got a lot of emails during the last year with several questions about my MDB projects, i try to answer them here.

HTML5 ajax file upload with flask

Making web uploads less painfull 🔗For one of my current Flask projects i want to have a nice looking and easy to use file upload form. That means no input type="file" form field where i have to select each file and the upload it on at a time. I came across this nice tutorial for a HTML5/jquery file uploader, but the backend is written in PHP. So I decided to try to get this working with Flask and it was easier as I supposed :-)

Comments activated

I finally activated the Disqus comment system for my blog. I wanted to do this for a while now but was to lazy to do it :-)

Call functions out of jinja2 templates

I do a few webprojects with Flask and I love it! While creating a template i searched for a way to call functions from within the template, and found out that i can use a @app.context_processor decorator.

A new eccentric tappet for the pcb drill

The problem 🔗I have built a PCB drill that works nice most of the time, but sometimes it occurs that the stepper motor don’t perform a full turn. This is caused by the friction of the eccentric tappet. I’ve simply made it out of a piece of steel rod, with a hole outside of its center. That tappet pushes a brass screw upwards. I thought that this will work fine, but it does not (sometimes).