Bouni's blog
random bits and pieces
Monitor disk space with Uptime Kuma
I use Uptime Kuma as my self hosted monitoring solution and it worked perfectly find so far. But every now an then I run out of disk space on my Hetzner cloud server because they have only 15G in the smallest variant.
Thats very annoing but on the other hand I hesitate to run a full blown monitoring solution.
So today I realized that Uptime Kuma now has the ability to add a so called passive monitor where it does not actively ping a resource but receive a request.
I’m forced to work on a Windows machine sometimes, which was a pain in the but in the past but got much better with Windows 11. None the less I use Wireguard to connect to my network which works super good for me with the official Windows client.
The downside was that my ssh_config had a config for one of my servers that looked like this:
Host osiris HostName osiris.bouni.de Port 2222 User bouni When I connected to my Wireguard VPN I wasn’t able to connect any more with ssh osiris. I knew that theres a way to have Match expressions within the ssh_config but only found examples for linux like this Stack Overflow post
Caddy - Hetzner DNS challenge
It took me quite a while to figure out how to get Let’s encrypt SSL certificates for my subdomains that are not accessible from the internet. I struggled to find the right resources so I thought it might be a good idea to document my findings here 😄
According to the caddy docs , the DNS challenge is the way to go if you want SSL certs for a servie thats not accessible from the internet. In order for it to work you need a caddy plugin for the DNS provider in use. Thankfully there is one for Hetzner already, which is my DNS provider.
Upgrading my home network
I’m in the process of upgrading my home wireless setup and here I document the proccess, maybe it helps some of you.
Current setup 🔗Router 🔗I use a Mikrotik hAP AC Lite as my router.
That decision was based on the fact that I got a direct fiber connection to my home when we built it back in 2015/2016. My ISP installed a media converter box which gave me a single ethernet port, so my router had no need for a DSL modem, a simple PPPoE client is enough to connect. Furthermore the hAP AC Lite was dirt cheap compared to a FritzBox which is the defacto standard here in Germany.
I run a BWT AQA Life S decalcification system because where I live we have enormous amounts of calcium in our tap water. In the past I had multiple occasions where the system malfunctioned and spilled water in my basement where it is located. The system is not smart by any means, it just starts to beep when ever attention is needed. Unfortunately this beep is not really audible in the living area of the house. Thats also the case when I need to top up the regenartion salt which is the most common “error”.
Cleanup map frames with OpenCV
We’re in a pandemic for approximately 2 years by now and sinc the beginning my couny administration is publishing a map that shows the Covid-19 cases per municipality on a regular basis. So I creted a Home-Assistant component that downloads that map together with some data from their website and saves the images. I had the plan to create a slideshow video every now an then from these images to show the change in infections.
I work on a small side project where I want to read data from an Phoenix Contact EMpro MA370 Multi-functional energy measuring and a CS Instruments VA525 air flow sensor, both offering a Modbus TCP interface.
Wireguard Fails to Start After Reboot
I use Wireguard for my VPNs and I’m absolutely statisfied with it. Unfortunately, whenever I restarted my server which runs wiregurad, it didn’t come up automatically.
Move to Hugo
Once more I switched my static site generator from pelican to hugo!
I was not really statisfied by pelican and we use hugo as static site genarator for our hackerspaces website. Through that I learned how cool hugo is and decided to switch.
Hopefully that will encourage me to put out more posts that in the recent years 😏
A while ago I built a Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP Gateway based on a Beaglebone Green and a RS485 Cape (check my blog post from back then). It worked, but stoped working from time to time and I decided to fix that issue a few weeks ago. I updated the OS on the Beaglebone and realized that so many things changed since my initial implementation that I didn’t want to invest to much time.